
Sunday, February 16, 2014

So sorry I missed a post last week...I was battling an awful cold and was completely miserable! The week before I was able to keep pretty with subbing in various schools/districts. I even had the chance to sub for one of my old teachers! That was a fun experience!

Because I was sick last week I did not get to sub much, I just needed to rest and I also did not want to spread whatever I had to other schools. This week many schools in my area are on Mid-Winter Break, so as of right now I do not have a full week's worth of jobs lined up because so many schools are out. If I don't end up subbing every day this week I will be working on my brochure. If not that will be my weekend project!

I had a fun experience last night, I found a picture online that I liked so I shared it via Twitter and I was so surprised by the number of responses I got! What I found was a graphic of questions to ask students while reading a novel to promote deeper levels of thinking. In total I think I received over 100 responses to this picture, so wonderful! I was able to follow many new educators, as well as expand the number of people that are now following me. Hopefully I can keep promoting myself via Twitter and continue to expand my personal learning network!

Hopefully with the shortened week this week I will be able to get work done, and have more to post next week!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

This past week was a short work week for me. Even though I took a few personal days off, I would not have been able to sub anyways because we ended up getting more snow days out here. I had two full days subbing in two different districts. The one school I met the principal and was told they really need subs so I left my contact info for the future. Here's to hoping I get a call back!

My goals for next week will be the same as they have been for the last several weeks. Since I have taken a few personal days over the last few weeks, I'm going to try and work as often as I can before the schools start having their breaks. I'm hoping I will have something exciting to report for next week!